10 Fascinating Facts about Amazon Inc. - The Trillion-Dollar Giant

No: 10

Amazon started as an online bookstore and has since expanded to offer a wide range of products and services.

No: 9

Jeff Bezos is one of the richest people in the world, with a net worth of over $150 billion.

No: 8

Amazon was originally called "Cadabra" but was later changed to Amazon after Bezos's lawyer misheard the name as "cadaver".

No: 7

Amazon has a number of subsidiaries, including Whole Foods Market, Twitch, and Ring.

No: 6

Amazon has its own delivery service, called Amazon Prime, which offers free two-day shipping for eligible products.

No: 5

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the largest cloud computing platforms in the world, offering a range of services and products to businesses and individuals. 

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No: 4

Amazon has a number of patents, including a patent for a drone-based delivery system. 

No: 3

Amazon was one of the first companies to popularize online shopping, and it continues to lead the way in the industry. 

No: 2

Amazon has a number of subsidiaries, including Audible, Zappos, and IMDb. 

No: 1

Amazon is known for its commitment to customer satisfaction, with a number of policies and initiatives aimed at ensuring that customers are happy with their purchases. 

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