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5 Hidden Android Features You Need to Know About

As our phones have become better and more efficient, so have the hidden secrets that exist within them. Hidden features can be an essential part of how we use our phones, giving us access to automated functions, improved convenience and more. Android devices, in particular, come with some fantastic features that many of us may not know about, but that are essential to making our lives easier. Here are five of the most useful hidden Android features you need to know about.

1. Dark mode – Everyone knows unlocking a phone with a dark theme looks cool, but finding the right settings to do that can be a bit tricky. With Android, though, you can simply go to your display settings and toggle the Night mode switch. Dark mode changes the background color to a darker shade and reduces the strain on your eyes. As a bonus, this mode can also help save battery life.

2. Smart Lock – Smart Lock is a feature that will lock the phone based on your habits and behaviors. Your phone will detect when you’re at certain locations, connected to specific devices, or if you’re carrying your phone in a certain way, and unlock accordingly without the need to manually enter a lock code. Smart Lock gives users an added layer of security and eliminates the need for a secured lock code or pattern.

Android Features
Android Features

3. App Pairing – Android devices offer a cool feature called “App Pairing” that allows you to easily launch two apps at the same time. With this feature, you can open two apps, organize them side-by-side and then just tap on the App Pairing icon to launch both of them at once. This can be very useful if you have a habit of using two apps at the same time.

4. Always On Display – Have you ever wanted to quickly glance at the time and notifications on your phone while it’s in your pocket? Now you can, thanks to the Android feature called “Always On Display.” It allows you to view a simplified version of your home screen while the phone is locked. Notifications, time, weather and more can be quickly accessed without having to unlock the phone.

5. Smart Answer – Android now includes a feature called “Smart Answer,” which uses machine learning to automatically offer helpful responses to incoming messages. Smart Answer suggests personalized responses for messages and notifications based on the contents of the message. This feature is great for quickly replying to messages without having to manually type out a response.

These are just a few of the hidden Android features that you should know about. With these, you can make sure that your phone is as efficient and secure as possible. Have you discovered any other hidden Android features? Let us know in the comments!

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